thursday in our office we have bagels. I like raisin bagels and I looked
forward to bagels and creamcheese and a cup of coffee every thursday
morning. That was it . Life was very easy for me. If it was thursday it
was bagel day, Simple-until Jascha Gelman showed up one day.
got him hired, for sure! But he was cute and smart and full of life and
his father is my landlord and his new boss.
first change was humus-and other Israeli breakfast type spreads for the
bagels. Then there were exotic new bagels ---but there were always
bagels----- until one thursday I walk in and there's McDonalds egg
Mcmuffins, omelettes(?) hashbrowns and other stuff from Mickey-D's. No
bagels! So I tried the stuff. Not too bad but we went back to bagels and
humus,etc,the following thursday.
young man who brought the bagels and the humus and the stories and the
jokes and the love and the caring died in a tragic accident. His memory,
however, will continue to inspire us to stop at McDonalds instead of for
bagels, but never at McDonalds for bagels. Jascha would never do that.
He knew better. I only knew Jascha for about a year but will
remember him for a lot longer----especially especially on bagel day.